
her life

5 must-see films that show rural India differently

There is more to the rural tracts of India than meets the eye. Village Square curates some internationally acclaimed films inspired by the Indian hinterland.

her life

Watched Laapataa Ladies? Here are 5 other hit films shot in MP

Over 175 movies, OTT series and TV shows have been shot in quaint settings across Madhya Pradesh. Here are five of them for you to binge-watch, and get a taste of the true heartland of India.

her life

Rajasthan music school trains ustads of tomorrow

Gunsar Folk Music Institute of Jaisalmer is wowing audiences across the world with soulful songs by its students from the poor Manganiyar community.

her life

Do “reel villages” in cinema show real rural India?

In the past villages in films were either idyllic or hopeless. But the present day productions are more realistic, bridging the gap between urban and rural perspectives.