Climate Change

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Drought-hit farmers grow crops with treated wastewater

After Karnataka government pumped Bengaluru city’s treated wastewater into Kolar’s tanks last year, farmers made use of the raised groundwater table to grow crops amidst concerns of contamination

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Heavy snow hurts Kashmir’s apple farmers

Extreme weather events such as untimely snowfall and heavy floods have harmed the apple crop in Kashmir; one way to reduce losses is to properly implement a crop insurance scheme

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Food forests offer better profits to farmers

Mimicking forests, progressive farmers across India have started transforming farms into a layered cropping system that is climate resilient and more productive

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Mountain farmers adapt to life beyond apples

As impacts of climate change and unwise human interventions push traditional farmers in Uttarakhand to the wall, they are adapting by embracing new crops and livelihoods

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Stress-tolerant rice aids Uttar Pradesh farmers

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With her crop surviving nearly two weeks of submergence and recovering from an intense flood, Sohabati Devi of Maharajganj has every reason to smile and be proud of her decision to plant a stress-tolerant rice variety

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Women feel the heat of climate change in rural Manipur

Women farmers in Manipur, who play a significant role in the state's agriculture, are struggling to grow crops in an increasingly hostile environment of north-east India