
her life

Danda, a festival of the people’s belief

The Danda Yatra festival, spanning 13 days, is one of Odisha’s traditional festivals, and culminates in the Pana Sankranti marking the Odia new year. Village Square brings to you the highlights.

her life

Kolha – A neglected village in Odisha’s Dhenkanal

Despite several decades of independence, Kolha Village in the district of Dhenkanal, Odisha, continues to be untouched by progress. Villagers here can only dream about proper road connections and electricity. Here’s more on their plight.

her life

Odisha school bridges gap between disability and ability

Teachers at Nandini Devi school for deaf, mute and blind students in Dhenkanal prove that with love and dedication, every obstacle can be transformed into an opportunity.

her life

Check out Sarakapatna’s vibrant ‘Hastatanta’ sarees

Sarakapatna in Odisha is the home of 'Hastatanta' sarees that weave a tapestry of beauty and tradition. The rhythmic clatter of tanta (looms) echoes in every household, a testament to the enduring artistry of this captivating craft.

her life

Pad perfect – championing menstrual hygiene


Two humble initiatives in Odisha and Jammu and Kashmir are making a difference in the lives of thousands of rural women by providing them easy access to sanitary napkins.