
her life

Emerging agenda for livelihoods promotion

With increasing digitisation, changing consumption patterns and rising concerns about environment conservation posing novel challenges, fresh perspectives are needed to promote livelihoods of the poor. A new report by Access Development Services looks at these issues.

her life

How livelihoods of the poor can be strengthened

The two-day Livelihoods India Summit being held in New Delhi brings together about 400 delegates with an aim to foster deliberations on issues relating to livelihoods promotion of the poor.

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Out of India into Africa – sharing youth engagement strategies

From Jharkhand and Madhya Pradesh to Mombasa, TRI’s amazing youth leaders shared their best practices and success stories of building livelihood opportunities in rural India at the GOYN 2023 Global Convening in Kenya.

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Tribal women stitch a new future in Gujarat’s Dang

Left without farm work after the harvesting season ended, women from two villages in Dang district of Gujarat come together to form successful tailoring units.

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Racing with the tides- Earth Day

Biswajit Sahu, a fisherman, has been collecting artefacts while fishing to create a museum preserving the history of the Sunderbans, battling climate change and the rising sea.

her life

The state of cattle bell makers of Jharkhand

For years people have been tying bells around the neck of their cattle. Along with beauty, it makes finding cattle in the forests easy. Cattle bells were once a symbol of prosperous rural life, but the use of machines, and dwindling cattle numbers, have reduced the tinkling of the bells.

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Die cast for vanishing cowbells of Jharkhand

Blacksmiths practising the ancient art form of making cowbells are struggling to make ends meet as sales have dipped, with rural folks keeping fewer cattle now.

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Of pani puri and beauty salons: Gujarat tribals turn entrepreneurs

In an unyielding terrain where farming is unsustainable and when migrating to cities is not lucrative, promoting rural enterprises is helping tribal youth become successful micro-entrepreneurs.

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Saving Kashmir’s crewel from machine-made copies

After spurning suggestions to adopt machinery, Gowher Ali Bhat successfully carries on his father’s legacy of crewelwork handicraft, and employs 150 women artisans.

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Shrimply Tamil Nadu

Does the sight of shrimp make you hungry? This photo walkthrough shows how shrimp farming is reshaping the environment, livelihoods and social relations in a coastal village of Tamil Nadu.

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The voice of a labourer

A villager who raises his voice for labourers’ rights and juggles multiple jobs to make a living inspires a development management student to be courageous and just. The lead image shows Grishma Kajbaje and her friend during a field visit.

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Of windmills and women

Wind farms are generally a beneficial source of renewable energy. But what happens when they cut through ancient tribal land, stoking fears of lost livelihoods and identities? India Fellow Aneesh Mohan finds out.

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Of livelihoods in barren terrains

In remote and barren terrains people should be helped in turning adverse conditions to their advantage, rather than pursuing unviable dreams.

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How interactive audio helped migrants during lockdown


An existing interactive voice response system was refashioned, enabling migrant workers in destination cities get messages regarding their circumstances across, subsequently facilitating their return

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Mutlupur farmers transform neglected wetland into integrated farm

A group of farmers have converted a shunned wetland to practice fish farming, agroforestry and horticulture, providing employment and livelihood opportunities to impoverished villagers

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Land comes in between plough and plate

Increasing fragmentation of cultivated land in most parts of India makes it difficult to build supply chains of produce from farm gates to end consumers in an efficient and viable manner

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Growing a forest transforms Jharkhand village

The residents of Hesatu village have successfully raised a thriving forest over 365 acres of wasteland without any intervention from the state or civil society organizations that now supports livelihoods in many ways