smallholder farmers

her life

हिमाचल के जैविक खेती करने वाले किसान बाज़ार-परक हुए

हिमाचल के मंडी जिले में, जैविक खेती करने वाले छोटे किसानों को, सामूहिक भागीदारी के माध्यम से, अपनी उपज को सीधे दिल्ली के उपभोक्ताओं को बेहतर मूल्यों पर बेचने में मदद मिली, जिससे उनकी आमदनी में वृद्धि हुई।

her life

Himachal’s organic farmers turn market-savvy

Collective representation helps smallholder organic farmers in Himachal’s Mandi district sell their produce directly to consumers in Delhi at a premium price, increasing their earnings

her life

Diversified organic farming can transform Marathwada

Smallholder women farmers in the climate-threatened Marathwada region of Maharashtra are ensuring nutritional security and additional income for their families through diversified organic agriculture

her life

How to revitalize agriculture in India

The government needs to aggressively promote micro-irrigation and small-scale farm mechanization to improve agricultural productivity. It should also connect farmers with markets using latest technological tools