The COVID-19 pandemic is far from over. Many are still reeling from the second wave, while others are bracing for a third. Here is the latest COVID-19 news from India’s hinterlands.

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Camel milk inspires hope for herders

With an increase in awareness of various health benefits of camel milk, its sale has increased, boosting rural economy and livelihood of traditional camel herders

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In Kashmir, no migrants to reap rice harvest

Inexpensive migrant laborers work the paddy fields in Central Kashmir. As they have left due to the lockdown, farmers and their families are stepping in to harvest the crop

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Teachers turn rural house fronts into classrooms

Teachers of a government school in a Jharkhand village have turned exterior walls of mud houses into blackboards and raised platforms into seats, to ensure students continue their education

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Returned migrants take to smuggling for want of livelihood

In villages of West Bengal close to the Indo – Bangladesh border, migrants back home during the lockdown have been lured into smuggling for financial sustenance

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Online classes spell end of education for rural girls

With boys getting preference to use the single multimedia phone at home, girls from poor rural households have discontinued studies, resigning themselves to an early marriage

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Lockdown threw new hardships along nomadic herders’ paths

Their migration towards summer pastures coinciding with the first lockdown, and with severe restrictions on movement, pastoralists lacked access to pastures, water and fodder, besides facing discrimination

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Woman panchayat chief on course to transform village


From efficient COVID-19 preparedness and relief measures to advocating girls’ education and converting a dumping ground into a park, Kanku Ben Amritlal offers hope in rural development

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How interactive audio helped migrants during lockdown


An existing interactive voice response system was refashioned, enabling migrant workers in destination cities get messages regarding their circumstances across, subsequently facilitating their return

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Tribute to champion of traditional phad irrigation system

Phad, a traditional irrigation management system in Maharashtra, fell into disrepair. Sunil Pote, a development worker revived it, enabling numerous farmers irrigate their lands and increase income