Ground Report

Read the opinion pieces from those at the sharp end of development world – from practitioners in the field to district officers and even ideators creating schemes for the future. Field Journal is the place for civil society groups to share their experiences and insights – their highs and lows – in their journey to put India on the path to progress.

Another brick in the wall: The story of a brick-making village

In a village in the periphery of Bhopal, the capital of Madhya Pradesh, where brick kiln workers toil hard, difficult circumstances force their children to forego education, ending in a cycle of hardships across generations

Reviving healthcare services in the Red Corridor villages

Caught in the conflict between the left-wing extremists and government-supported counterinsurgency militia, villages in Chhattisgarh were devoid of healthcare, till a collaborative effort resulted in the revival of medical centres.

Fostering menstrual health and women’s empowerment in rural India

Providing education, affordable products and fostering a supportive environment can go a long way to empower women and girls, and break taboos around menstrual health.

her life

A youth in Rajasthan becomes the bird man of the desert

A young man who became a guide in the Desert National Park to make a living gets drawn to birds, and learns to identify the local and migratory birds, earning the epithet ‘bird man of the desert’.

her life

Solar energy brings a shining solution for Assam’s villagers

In remote villages of Assam that have no or erratic power supply, locally produced solar energy helps villagers access digital services and also become small entrepreneurs to enhance their income.

her life

This Bengal woman shows there’s money in honey

Chaya Mondal of Tripura Nagar village in West Bengal defied gender norms and took to beekeeping after helping the men in her family rear honeybees. She now runs a successful business through the sale of honey and related products.

her life

Villagers unite to battle forest fires in Odisha


As forests provide them sustenance, residents of Nitigotha village in Odisha unite to contain the forest fire spreading from neighbouring areas and take collaborative steps to prevent fire incidents.

her life

Solar power a money-spinner for women spinning eri silk yarn

Spinning eri silk yarn – though tedious and time-consuming with a traditional tool – is a way of life for women in Meghalaya. Using solar-powered spinning machines, they now spin more yarn and earn more.

her life

Ironing out the anaemia issue among Haryana students

The Faridabad district administration engages multiple entities, including the community, to combat anaemia among students, successfully bringing down its prevalence. The move has resulted in alleviating the fatigue levels in the youngsters and improving their academic performance.