Green Revolution

her life

Karnataka village doctor’s green revolution

Dr Tejaswi HJ, a doctor in Karnataka’s Hassan district, has turned the weed-infested land surrounding a government hospital in Karle village into a thriving mini-forest with over 1,500 plants and fruit-bearing trees.

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Sikkim’s organic farming revolution offers a success model

With its lush landscapes and bountiful harvests, Sikkim stands as a testament to the potential of organic farming, inspiring a greener, healthier future for agriculture across the nation.

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Eco-conscious Bishnois ensure good groundwater levels

Known for their tree-hugging environmentalism, Bishnois combine traditional knowledge and contemporary practices of agriculture to conserve groundwater.

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The unending saga of farm distress in India

Farmers in India will continue to suffer unless there is a fundamental change in the pro-urban policy bias of propping up unsustainably low food prices

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Bengal farmers conserve heritage rice against climate vagaries

Going against the general preference for high-yielding rice, some marginal farmers in Bankura have started conserving, documenting and propagating traditional rice varieties that are on the brink of extinction

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Millets travel from tribal farms to dinner tables

The indigenous Dongria Kondh community in Odisha is helping to restore the popularity of native varieties of millets that can grow in droughty weather conditions, even as millet products gain traction among affluent consumers for their many health benefits